Nobody likes a neglected property, keeps your home records verified and boost your property equity value by tens of thousands starting at $0.95 a day

Streamlining processes for serious home owners and PROPECTIVE buyers

What WE Verifiy & goes into the homifax verified report

things that truly matters

Improvements | Renovations
Property Related Documents | Permits
Maintenance Works | Property Services
Property Equipment | Appliances
Property Damages | Defects Claims
Natural Disaster Preparation / Emergency Plan
General Inspection | Up Keep
Readiness Test
Risk Mitigation & Compliance

Registered by millions of property owners with over ONE billion verified records under management

Build | Manage | Get Verified

Just as easy as adding records with valid proofing materials for verification consistently to earn your property an ultimate Homifax Class A report status.

* Only available with Annual Verified Plan

Show Once To Many

Save time and gain more party interest. You will never have to show stacks of records to a one on one person ever again.

* Only available with Annual Verified Plan

Commercialize Your Own Verified Property Report Through HMLS Portal

Commercialized your own report while maintain data privacy to the public and filtering High Interest Parties. It's the only one out there that yield dividends

* Only available to active class B & A Verified Property

Saving & Reduced Rate

Homes with Homifax Verified Report save more on rate and quotes.

* Only available with Annual Verified Plan

Premium Curb Appeal

Among the array of elements contributing to curb appeal, one highly sought-after item is the Homifax Verified Property Report.It instantly captivates potential buyers and sets the stage for a successful home sale

Full Access Control

Your Verified Property Report, Your authorized access. Homifax offer phishing proof report platform.

* Only available with Full service Commitment

Verification & Tracking Service Fee

Initial Enrollement Fee


ID and ownership identification
Title verification

  • Fee covers:
    Title registration on Homifax platform
  • Ownership transfer
  • Previous user pull up
  • Setup fee
  • 50 initial back date records filing
  • Annual Verification & Rating Fee Protection
  • Homifax Active Lien Monitoring
  • 3 years cold records and data protection.
  • Notice: all account enrollment using bank or insurance carrier request code will not receive Homifax credit tracking.

Starter | First Property

$350 / annum

You are in good hand policy covered

  • Starter Includes:
    Up to 200 records storage submission
  • Up to 90 verified records request per annum
  • Cover home up to 3,000 sq.ft living space
  • Unique asset upload link
  • One free basic annual summary report per year with no verification check mark
  • Unlock discounts home service deals after 2nd term
  • Unlock Zero fee verified landlord account after 3rd term
  • Access to Homifax Private Investment Hub after 3rd year tenure
  • Unlock Zero HMLS listing fee after 4th term
  • Annual record summary
  • Homifax Personal Credit Tracking
  • Cross Service Discount
  • Tenants on board exclusive discount
  • Receive three HangoutSafe query credits after the first 20 submissions.
  • *account activation may takes up 48 hours during business hours.
    **Published Homifax Verified Property Report only available after 90 verified records completion.
    ***Report Active ranking is reviewed after each year and is not permanent.

Subsequent Property

$550 / annum

Non-refundable after years of service

  • Everything in Starter, plus:
    Self-manage platform
  • Zero Enrollment fee
  • Cover Home up to 3,500 sq.ft living space
  • Earn back on each report sold on HMLS capped at original service acquired value.
  • Unlock discounts home service deals after year 1
  • Unlock Zero HMLS listing fee after year 2
  • Homifax Personal credit monitoring
Product and Service Availability

More than just a Verified Report for better Home Management. It's an INVESTMENT THAT YIELD HIGH RETURN ON YOUR property !

Four Steps to Supercharging Your Property Value

Sign Up

Sign Up and fill up your property information. Obtain a Verified Property ID

Start & Keep Adding Records

Begin adding old and new records on a monthly basis to boost your credits and report status

Get Verified

Get entry record verified by HOMIFAX Auditor. *All Verified Records must contain proofing materials

Get listed on HMLS

Commercialize your own VERIFIED HOMIFAX PROPERTY REPORT to prospect buyers through our secure report inquiry portal. All verified property reports are subject to active property owner approval prior to release to the inquirer

HOMIFAX Verified Property | Owner Tier

Class C Credit Report

-Minimum 50 verified records
-Maintain At least 12 verified records per annum

Class B Credit Report

- Full monthly maintenance records update
- Billing | Delivery | Completion cycle entry input
-At least 18 months trace back records
- 12 consecutive months of utility usage records

Class A Credit Report

- Full monthly maintenance records update
- Billing | delivery | completion cycle
- 36 months trace back records
-18 consecutive months of utility usage records
- Contains one 18 months Certificate of good standing on the property property ( COGS)

Class A + Credit Report

- Full monthly maintenance records update
- Billing | delivery | completion cycle
- 48 months trace back records
-24 consecutive months of utility usage records
-Consistent Vehicle and other addon asset records upload
- Contains at least two  18 months Certificate of good standing on the property property ( COGS)

HOMIFAX Verified Registered Home Owner Credit Reward

Class C Credit

- You're not qualify to receive any benefits at the moment
-Official Landlord Qualifying Badge

Class B Credit

- Start Receiving Local Discount Service Coupons
- Join Free Home Improvement Reward Program

Class A Credit

- Receive Local Discount Service Coupons
- Legitimate Property Owner Endorsement Badge
- Join Free Home Improvement Reward Program
- Discounted 18th months up keep general inspections
- Receive fair warning notices
- Invitation to jin Homifax Home Improvement Spend Card Program with low APR
- ZERO commission  For Sale / For Rent listing on HMLS

Class A+ Credit

- Receive Local Discount Service Coupons
- Legitimate Property Owner Endorsement Badge
- Join Free Home Improvement Reward Program
- Discounted 18th months up keep general inspections
- Receive fair warning notices
- Invitation to join Homifax Home Improvement Spend Card Program with low APR
- ZERO commission For Sale / For Rent listing on HMLS

Class B Credit

Everything in Class C plus :
‍- Start Receiving Local Discount Service Coupons
- Join Free Home Improvement Reward Program
-Family Homifax Health ID bundle Discount

Class A Credit

Everything in Class B plus :
- Receive Local Discount Service Coupons
- Legitimate Property Owner Endorsement Badge
- Join Free Home Improvement Reward Program
- Discounted 18th months up keep general inspections
- Invitation to join Homifax Home Improvement Spend Card Program with low APR
- Invitation to join Homifax Home Improvement Spend Card Program with low APR
- ZERO commission For Sale / For Rent listing on HMLS

Class A+ Credit

Everything in Class A plus :
- Receive Local Discount Service Coupons
- Legitimate Property Owner Endorsement Badge
- Join Free Home Improvement Reward Program
- Discounted 18th months up keep general inspections
- Receive fair warning notices
- Invitation to join Homifax Home Improvement Spend Card Program with low APR
- ZERO commission For Sale / For Rent listing on HMLS

homifax verified property customer response

"Earn back from a verified report is a plus. But most importantly, it helps our family mange the home better."

Sam Kennedy

Bloomington, Minnesota
Homifax Verified Property | Owner

Start Verifying Your Property with confidence

Are you a current report holder? Want to help us sharing your experience and on boarding new client to Homifax ? Contact us here to become a Homifax Specialists

Does Homifax sell user data ?

Absolutely not!  Homifax is in the business of verifying clients submitted records, protecting client privileged data, verified report brokerage and independent rating agency service. Homifax does not offer free platform service in exchange for user data, runs ads for revenue, or selling your data behind close door.

How can i earn back from the report / commercialization ?

Once your verified report receive a class B rating, you can get

What happen to my Verified Property Report when i sold the property ?

Upon the sale of your asset, you will be required to transfer your verified record to its new owner. Your personal Homifax consumer  credit will remain on your personal account.

How can i get a class A status on my property report ?

You will receive a detail onboarding checklist to complete in order to maintain active filing  status and minimum rating score.

What happen when i don't maintain minimum record update ?

Your Verified Property report will not receive an active score for that year, and we will

Who has access to my Verified Report ?

The short answer is just you, the report holder, and whoever you allow to view your record. Upon  your report is listed on HMLS, whenever party of interest query your report, we will send you a request notification

How parties of interest use my Verified Report ?

Your verified property report may be use by contractors, insurance company, financial institutions, prospective buyers to gain more insight about your property, help them reduce risk, create better and more accurate quote for you, and potentially lower your rate.

Why i can't obtain and build Homifax personal credit score ?

Since your account registration is a direct result of a banking and insurance policy request, we will not count your personal credit points. However if you have already obtain the service with us prior to these banking and insurance request, your score will be track along with all side benefits and rewards.

What is Homifax Rating ?

It's a tier score system base on your passive records performance and active record engagement. Most home buyer, appraiser, lender, and insurance agency will sometime request to check these verified report score to determine your creditworthiness and offer discount. As the current owner and beneficiary of the verified report, only you have full right to authorize and release this rating. Try to keep your personal and assets ranks report in the best up to date shape to maximize the benefit while using Homifax verification service.

Get a Report
You're in good hand policy

A risk-free service public announcement for all new customer at Homifax
At Homifax, we are committed to provide our customers with the best value and interest. If you can't find it here, we are more than happy to give back.

You can always get your money back if no verified report ever gets released or you have not leveraged your Homifax Verified Property status to receive any financial gain or benefits over the years with us. Up to 70% of the original purchase plan after 5 years of service.

Earn Personal credit yourself or Get a Professional Data Entry to build out your Verified HOMIFAX Property Portal

Hire an Expert to Help File Your Initial Property Report
Collect all proofing materials with redacted sensitive information, itemize line entry , submit in bulk and our professional entry handler team will perform everything for you. Just sit back and enjoy the result.
*Filer fee applies
* Personal Credit report will be counted

Refer your family & friend and save together

Get your referral reward In addition to getting your property records verified, you and your referer are eligible for a reward!

Are your property currently class A holder ? Looking to sell your property fast ?

Homifax can connect to you to the right prospective buyer at no cost.

homifax verified propterty report helps sell fast