Earn your Property Certificate of Good Standing

Homifax partners with insurance carriers and financial institutions to help property & HV asset owners reduce their potential rate hike. At Homifax, we understand your good effort means something and that it can be use to protect your future claim get turn down.

* Exclusively for Homifax existing loyal customers only

Wanna Check to see If Your Property qualify for a reduce Rate ?

Our Homifax agent will come out to inspect your home and establishing condition report and providing you with additional feedbacks on how to receive rate reduction.

Maintain your policy from rate hike
Discover over 500,000 hidden risks
Total risk mitigation damage assessment excess 30 billions US dollar
Over 100,000 home owner need minor immediate repair
Over 200 thousands homes qualify for a reduced rate after issued with Homifax Certificate of good Standing,
Get a reduced inspection rate for Homifax property owner with class B & A rating
Request an Assessment

What Carriers are Looking for


Multi Points System check


System check
Additional testing may be required


Multi Points System check

Condition Update

Multi Points System check


Critical Areas Check


General inspection check


General check

Related Health Issues

Just more check

Visible Damages

Just more check


Just more check

Hidden Liability

Just more check

Readiness Condition

Just more check

Most Frequently Asked

Save thousands of dollar on a good PM plan

How can i obtain a certificate ?

Homifax only offer this exclusive service to existing Homifax Verified Property Owner with account surpass 52 weeks and currently hold a class B, A or A+ rating. After completing the check list above, you can now request to a Homifax certificate of good standing for your property and other related assets.

Why i can't pre-scheduled an inspection?

We will generally announce our visit 1 week prior to a a show up

How can i get a reduced rate?

It really depends on the proximity of Homifax owner network. Generally, we will combine our agent visit in a location.

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