Start Your New Business Local with Confident

Homifax Community Service | WE KNOW THE CHALLENGESAt Homifax, fostering the growth and addressing the challenges of new businesses is a top priority. The team at Homifax is dedicated to providing support and resources to help entrepreneurs and startups thrive in today's competitive business landscape.

First one
is on us !
How does it work?

Just submit your proof of new registered business, and your two digital marketing post, and let us do the rest

In an effort to enhance user experience, the team has streamlined the process, ensuring a hassle-free and enjoyable experience. By simplifying the steps, users can now navigate effortlessly and focus on the content or activity they came for.

Just a $80 content screening fee.

Some one need to check your records submission and review your ad campaign. Or simply signup for a Homifax Business ID account to get this fee half off.

Local Zipcode match push notification delivery only

We only deliver push notification to local 1 to 3 local zip codes. depending our our customer base availability

Only applicable for one time complimentary offer only

If you have a business that is newly registered, you

Don't miss out on this onetime $500 worth of Local Homifax Press Release complimentary offer at 'Absolutely ZERO ' cost.

We only offer this complimentary service one time for newly established local or online local businesses.
- Newly established business,
-First time business owner
-Proven plan to officially open within one to two months
This is service is currently apply to new businesses locate in US & Canada only

2 digital news publication
1M+ daily readers combined
1 Internal Homifax network ad push
Ten of thousands of local Homifax potential customers
Grow your existing online & social media presence
Extra fee may applied

Share us with friends to maximize the benefits