About Us

Helping people and assets reap more value with Homifax

We are more than just a private data accreditation and brokerage firm, Homifax always reinvest its earning toward the next leap in technology and companies that aiming at positive social impact.


Improving productivity with digital field workforce

Homifax is at the forefront of integrating digital solutions into its field workforce, a move that has significantly improved productivity and enhanced workforce diversity. By adopting advanced digital tools, Homifax empowers its employees and verified report stakeholders with real-time data and analytics, enabling them to make informed decisions swiftly. This digital transformation has also opened up opportunities for a more diverse talent pool, as geographical barriers are diminished, allowing for a richer mix of backgrounds and perspectives. Homifax’s commitment to digital innovation ensures that its workforce is not only more productive but also more reflective of the diverse clientele it serves.                              


Your Trust Matter


Ensuring information accuracy is our top priority. We meticulously verify and safeguard data to provide reliable and precise services


Certainly! Reliable sourcing is indeed the bedrock of Homifax’s achievements. We understand that trustworthy information forms the very foundation upon which our success is built. With unwavering commitment, we ensure that every record, every report, and every insight we provide is backed by verified and accurate data.

Net Positive

As we work diligently to provide verified records and uphold information accuracy, we recognize that this trust extends beyond mere data—it has the potential to yield positive impacts in your commitment and even contribute to your personal financial gain.

Nuturing Advance Intelligent

Venturing into the next big thing in human assisted workplace environment


Carry forwward thinking

Homifax is dedicated to pioneering a future where strategic vision and innovative thinking are the keystones of success. With a steadfast commitment to accuracy and comprehensive solutions, Homifax propels forward-thinking that transcends traditional boundaries. The company’s strategic initiatives, such as supporting global R&D startups, reflect its dedication to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. This forward-thinking approach ensures that Homifax remains a leader in its field, continually pushing the envelope to deliver exceptional value to its stakeholders and clients.

Our values

Integrity. At Homifax, integrity is paramount. We steadfastly adhere to our collective pledge of excellence, ensuring that our actions align with the highest ethical standards.

Inclusion. A cornerstone of our corporate ethos at Homifax. We earnestly embrace, esteem, and consider all perspectives, ensuring every voice is acknowledged and respected.

Relationships. We cultivate relationships that enhance our collaborative efforts, fostering deeper connections that lead to superior result.

Innovation. The sole driving force at Homifax. We craft a visionary future by drawing on the wisdom of our history.                

Performance. Excellence in performance is the essence of Homifax’s principles. We dedicate ourselves to consistently realizing and upholding unparalleled quality across all our pursuits.

Ownership. A fundamental principle at Homifax. We approach our daily tasks with a profound sense of proprietorship and elevated accountability.